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Monday, January 08, 2007

Request for Credit Report Rart 2

CREDIT SECRETS BIBLE If You Can Read and Write at the 7th Grade Level Then I’ll Show You How To RAISE Your CREDIT SCORE up to 249 Points in Under 90 Days... So You Can Be APPROVED For That CAR, HOME, (even Business Loan) and Credit Cards You DESERVE!

Here's Part 2 , Dispute Letters to the Credit Reporting Agencies:

Sample Letter 4 - Notice of Intent to File Complaint
Your Name
123 Your Street Address
Your City, ST 01234

Big Credit Bureau
Their Street Address
Some City, ST 567894/30/1999

RE: Dispute Letter of 2/10/1999, Follow-up Letter of 3/20/1999


Credit Bureau,

This letter shall serve as formal Notice of my Intent to file a Complaint with the FTC, due to your blatant disregard of the law.

As indicated by the attached copies of letters and mailing receipts, you have been delivered by registered mail both a dispute letter, dated 2/10/1999, as well as a follow-up letter, dated 3/20/1999. As of this moment, you have not done your duty mandated under the law. Your inaction in this matter is inexcusable, and your disregard for the law is contemptible. Rest assured, I will hold you to account.

As you are well aware, federal law requires you to respond within 30 days, yet you have failed to respond. Failure to comply with these federal regulations by credit reporting agencies are investigated by the Federal Trade Commission (see 15 USC 41, et seq.). I am maintaining a careful record of my communications with you on this matter, for the purpose of filing a complaint with the FTC should you continue in your non-compliance. I further remind you that, as in Wenger v. Trans Union Corp., No. 95-6445 (C.D.Cal. Nov. 14, 1995), you may be liable for your willful non-compliance.

For the record, the following information is being erroneously included on my credit report, as I have advised you on two separate occasions, more than 75 days and again 40 days ago:

CREDITOR AGENCY, acct. 123-34567-ABC

If you do not immediately remove this inaccurate and incomplete information, I will file a formal complaint with the FTC. Furthermore, I intend to seek redress in civil action, for recover of both damages, costs, and attorneys fees, should you continue in your deliberate obstruction of the law. For this purpose, I am carefully documenting these events, including the lack of response REQUIRED under law from you.

You are further directed to supply a corrected credit profile to all creditors who have received a copy within the last 6 months, or the last 2 years for employment purposes.

Additionally, please provide the name, address, and telephone number of each credit grantor or other subscriber.

Under federal law, you had 30 days to complete your re-investigation, yet you have failed to respond. Your continued delays are inexcusable.

Be advised that the description of the procedure used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the information is hereby requested as well, to be provided within 15 days of the completion of your re-investigation.


your signature
Your Name
SSN# 123-45-6789
Sample Letter 5 - Dispute Letter to Credit Collector

Your Name
123 Your Street Address
Your City, ST 01234

Big Bad Credit Collector
Their Street Address
Some City, ST 56789


Dear Collector,

I am writing in response to your letter dated May 28, 1999 [copy enclosed]. This is the first letter I've received from you on this matter.

I do not believe that I owe what you say I owe, and I request that you please do the following:

1. tell me what this money that you say I owe is for
2. show me how you calculated what you say I owe
3. give me copies of any papers that show I agreed to pay what you say I owe me that you are licensed in my state, and give me your license number
5. stop contacting me about this or any other matter you have, except to provide me with proof that I owe what you say I owe

I demand that you also send a copy of this dispute to the company that you say I owe money to, so that they do not report this on my credit report.

I further demand that if you have reported me to a credit reporting company, you tell them that I do not agree with this debt.


your signature

Your Name
Sample Letter 6 - Request for Procedure Description
Your Name
123 Your Street Address
Your City, ST 01234

Big Credit Bureau
Their Street Address
Some City, ST 56789


Dear Credit Bureau,
This letter is a formal request for the description of the procedures used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the disputed information, including the business name, address, and telephone number of any furnisher of information contacted in connection with this re-investigation.

I am disappointed that you have failed to maintain reasonable procedures to assure complete accuracy in the information you publish, and insist you comply with the law by providing the requested information within the 15 days allowed.

For your benefit, and as a gesture of my goodwill, I will restate the relevant dispute:

CREDITOR AGENCY, acct. 123-34567-ABC

As already stated, the listed item is inaccurate and incomplete, and is a very serious error in reporting. Please supply a corrected credit profile to all creditors who have received a copy within the last 6 months, or the last 2 years for employment purposes.

Additionally, please provide the name, address, and telephone number of each credit grantor or other subscriber.


your signature

Your Name
SSN# 123-45-6789

Click here to get The Credit Secrets Bible

I hope this has helped or will help you, more info to come...stay tuned.

John V

John C. Vincent/CEO/The Opt.In Magic System


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